I saw Harry Styles!

Hello everyone! I’m so excited to write this blog today because I’m going to talk about when my favourite artist, Harry Styles, came to Chile. He’s a singer of 24 years old, I listen to his music since 2012, when he was on a group called “One Direction”. I’m a fan of them but now they’re separate, so they have begun to write their own music as soloists. I usually listen to all of members, but I think the most I like is Harry's music. He published his Tour dates and Chile was on the list! (25 th July, 2018). I had never go to my favourite artists concerts because I don’t have how to pay a ticket, and this time wasn’t an exception… wasn’t it? Well, I went to the Hotel where he was accommodating, with all the faith that he came out to meet his fans, but he didn’t. The next day (day of the show) I was so sad, I opened the app Facebook to read a group of fans of Harry in Chile and they said there was more tickets on sale. I thought “OMG, I will meet him!” and I began to calculate how...