In my opinion

Hi! In this blog I’m going to give my opinion about some important topics that we should discuss very often, because we should try to improve our relation between humans and nature. What is your opinion about violence on television? I’d like to start saying that I disagree with all of types of violence, so I don’t like the idea of showing this type of actions to so many people, especially children, because the first years of life are so important to how our personality will be and it’s very probable that in a future they will normalize this and they won’t notice when they’re in presence of it. It happens with adults too, although they have use of reason, there are some people that doesn’t have empathy. What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets? I disagree with the idea of buying pets, because human is profiting of them. We shouldn’t treat them as an object. Also, there are so many animals on the streets that deserve a home and so much love as purebred doe...