My favorite movie

Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about “Coco”, my favorite movie. This film is about the life of a boy called Miguel that wants to be musician, but his family doesn’t like musicians because Coco’s father (Coco is Miguel’s grandmother) left them. I like this movie because it makes me feel lot of emotions. When I saw it for the first time it made me laugh, but also it made me cry, and the first thing that I thought was “I like Mexican culture” because of the music and the traditions they have.  
I don’t watch so many movies, but when I do, I can watch a lot of genders, like comedy, romance, etc. I think that the kind of movie that I most have seen is animated cartoons, like Disney movies. In spite of what I recently said, the last movie that I saw is not a Disney movie, it was “Avengers”. I don’t want to tell you anything because I don’t want to make spoiler, but the end is really impressive. So, if you like marvel movies, you have to see it!

I’d like to have more time to watch more movies, because I think they leave us lessons for our life and we can learn more about another cultures. 


  1. Hi, I don't see "coco" yet, but as you say, the movie have a lot of emotions or people alway tell me that.
    I like a lot avengers too, the movie of the year in my opinion.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have not seen Coco yet, but my friends have recommended me this movie before, I think that this weekend I will see it, and I'm agree with you about the end of "Avengers"

  4. I cried a lot with Coco, like a child jaja it's a beautiful and emotional movie ;-;

  5. Hi , is very interesting learn about other cultures, I like the brazilian culture...

    PD:when you say coco i think in a song (about cocaine )XDD

  6. Coco seems like a movie where you need to be strong to don't cry ;; I haven't seen it completely yet.


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