My experience this first semester

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to write the last blog of the term. Wow, I think it has passed too fast. This semester had good and bad moments, and I'm going to begin with the bad things. 
It was complicated because the subject "techniques of laboratory" was hard for me, and this is an important subject to this career. I began to doubt if I really want to become a chemical pharmaceutic, but now that the term is going to finish, I think I'm in the right way. Also, my qualifications this semester didn't be as in High School used to be, I think is part of the adaptation between school and university. And the last bad thing I want to share with you is that one of my new friends at university decided to get out of this career. That was so sad because I used to have funny moments with him, but I hope he meet his goals.
As you can imagine, the good things of this semester were the good people that I met. In my group we support each other, sometimes we study together, and we help each other when someone doesn't understand something. I think this was one of my achievements. In addition, I have gained more personality, for example, now I can participate more in classes and I can ask about my doubts.
To end this blog, I'd like to wish you the best. I hope we can pass all the subjects this year and if we don't, we don’t have to give up. See you the next semester 😊 every one of you are good people.


  1. Hi, I share your opinion that "techniques of laboratory" was hard, in fact, I'm still waiting for the mark of the control 4 :(

  2. techniques of laboratory was very hard this year, but that subject won't stop us :)


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