My favorite subject this semester

Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about one of my favourites subjects. I didn’t know what subject choose, I was between “chemistry” and “Chemistry Lab Techniques” and I have chosen the second one. I love chemistry, but there isn’t something new, this semester we have seen school contents, meanwhile in chemistry lab techniques we realise manual activities, we mix chemical compounds, we work with chemistry laboratory apparatus and we study the preventions that we must have in a laboratory. Before of every practical class, we have a theoretical class where we learn about chemical laws, how to calculate concentrations of solutions, and all of what we must do in our practical classes. I think this was the boring part of the subject.
There were so many things that I haven’t did at school, so I think that’s what had had caption my attention. Despite it’s an interesting subject, it was a little bit difficult for me, I didn’t get good qualifications at the beginning and I’m not going to lie, I got frustrated and I had question myself if this career was for me (because it’s the basic knowing we must have) but now that we have finished this subject I’ve realize that I’ve learn a lot of things and that this subject isn’t difficult as I use to think.


  1. Do not get discouraged, we all start from the basics, if you like it and you're happy, it's for you!

  2. this subject had been difficult for all of us, don't think that you can't with this!:)

  3. I hate the test of Chemistry Lab Techniques

  4. everything relationated with calculations is boring :(


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