
Hi! I’m going to talk about what changes this Faculty could have. I’m on my second semester of Chemistry and Pharmacy, and as is written on the study programme, this career has 11 semesters. It sounds like it’s too much time, almost 6 years studying, or even more! But when I entered to this faculty I knew it would be difficult and it would demand a lot of time, because is very common to disapprove some subjects. I think it’s rational to be studying all these time, because we must have the necessary knowledge to work in the area we will choose and it’s important to be correctly prepared to front the future. So, I feel satisfied with the curriculum and the workload, although the length of studies sometimes is stressing and exhausting. Maybe when I’ll coursed more subjects I’d like to change some things.
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I can’t say the same when we talk about the faculty facilities, I’m not very happy with the infrastructure, I think it’s not big enough, for example when we need to take lunch, it’s not easy to find a place to stay, or when we need to use the computers, the lab is always full of people. That’s the principal problem, the faculty is always full. And about the laboratories, I think they’re a little bit old and need a renovation.
The use of technology is very important because it’s a tool that helps to facility our learning. I think our faculty is always innovating about the using of it and we can see it in the teaching methods that some teachers employed. So, I think it’s ok, because it has good results in students.


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