Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about “Coco”, my favorite movie. This film is about the life of a boy called Miguel that wants to be musician, but his family doesn’t like musicians because Coco’s father (Coco is Miguel’s grandmother) left them. I like this movie because it makes me feel lot of emotions. When I saw it for the first time it made me laugh, but also it made me cry, and the first thing that I thought was “I like Mexican culture” because of the music and the traditions they have. I don’t watch so many movies, but when I do, I can watch a lot of genders, like comedy, romance, etc. I think that the kind of movie that I most have seen is animated cartoons, like Disney movies. In spite of what I recently said, the last movie that I saw is not a Disney movie, it was “Avengers”. I don’t want to tell you anything because I don’t want to make spoiler, but the end is really impressive. So, if you like marvel movies, you have to see it! I’d like to have more time to w...
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