My experience learning English

Usually, English is used as the universal language, when you go to another country and you don’t speak the tongue, is very common to try to communicate in English or even when there are foreigners in your country and they ask you how to arrive to some place, they do it in this idiom. Also, when you’re searching for a job, sometimes is a requirement to know how to speak it. Personally, learning this language is very important for my daily life and for my future, so speaking English spontaneously is a goal that I want to meet, and I plan to reach it practicing more than before and watching more series or movies in English.

Comparing the teaching between High School and University, this first one was always focus in grammar, reading and writing, instead now, I have to practice the pronunciation of words, speak with my classmates, listen some histories and then answer the activities (although sometimes I have to guess what the person is saying, because of the accent, and is very funny because no one understood and we have to repeat it again). About the blogs, I think is a good method, because it helps to express in a better way what you want to say, you can increase your vocabulary and you get used to write and making more familiar this idiom. So, I see the difference, now is more intense, I have to put this language in practice in all senses, two times a week, or even when I’m in my house, because I have to record videos of myself speaking English. I feel I’m satisfied of what I’ve learned along this year.

When I’m not at my English class, and I'm at my house, I watch videos on Youtube of people speaking English and most of the time I understand more than a half of what the person is saying (when I achieve it, I feel proud of myself haha). Also, I listen to music in my way to home or University or wherever, and it’s one of my favorite activities, because I learn the lyrics and then I can sing it and improve my pronunciation. I’m a little bit afraid of when this course finish because I think I won’t put this idiom in practice as I’m doing now, and as I said at the beginning, my personal challenge is to speak it as well as I can. 


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