Career-Related Website

Hello everyone! In this blog I'm going to write about a career-related Website that I like to visit. It was difficult to me to choose one, because I just use to see memes related to my career on Instagram, and I don't search pages of what I'm studying (because I don't have so much time and in my free time I prefer to realize another activities that are not related with my career). But when I do, I use to visit this link:
This page is the official website of "Colegio de químicos farmacéuticos y bioquímicos de Chile". They have sections like "national news" where they upload relevant information in the country about what is happening with laws that compete us, congresses, medicines, relevant facts, etc. There is a section where they invite us to join this organization, another where we can read all the legal part of the career and also we can found a section where pharmaceutical chemists can search work. I visit it around 4 times in a month, and I like to visit it because it keeps me updated about what is happening in health area in Chile and I think that is important in my formation as a professional. I think in my free time I would like to found another pages about pharmaceutical investigations or interesting data sets of science, because I want to know about science all around the world. Could you recommend me?


  1. I don't read about our career news xD I think that I must have to do that.

  2. it is so interesting read about news of my career , i think that i should read more about chemistry's news

  3. i should investigate more about my career too, but i'm too lazy

  4. I think I need to use my free time to be up to date about the profession I'm studying for, I knew of this site, but never visited it till now.


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