My dearest cat

Luna deeply asleep

I think being in contact with animals is so important for our life and our energies, nevertheless, I have had just one pet in my entire life: a cat called Luna. She lives with me since this year, around April. I found her on the street, she was alone and dirty, my heart broke up and I took her into my arms. I carried her home and I had to insist my mother to let me adopt her. At that moment my mum said she doesn’t like cats, but now she changed her mind and always want to caress her. If you ask me why I love Luna, I think I could talk a whole day telling you the reasons why, but here are some things: I love when she stays with me at my bed, purring. Also I love when she follows me to the bath and every time we play. She always stays by my side, till in my bad days. She arrived to my life to cheer up my every day. 
Here’s a picture of her playing with me Monopoly. She let me in bankruptcy.


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